218 East Georgia

Getting News in Chinatown


In the early 1900s, mainstream newspapers were mostly in English and generally did not cover topics of interest to Chinese residents. To fill this gap, The Chinese Times began publishing a daily newspaper in 1914. During the Great Depression, when few people could afford to buy newspapers, the publishers posted the news on street bulletin boards. In 1953, The Chinatown News was started as Canada’s first English-language news magazine for the Chinese community. Under founder/editor Roy Mah, it covered everything from society events to geopolitical issues. It also advocated for equal rights for Chinese Canadians.

在1900年代初期,主流報章多以英文撰寫而且一般不會報導華裔居民關心的議題。《大漢公報》在1914年開始以日報形式出版,以滿足被忽略的市場需求 。在經濟大蕭條期間,能花得起錢買報紙的人不多,所以報館都會把新聞張貼在街道的告示板上。到了1953年,The Chinatown News成為加拿大第一本為華裔社群而設的英文時事雜誌。在創辦人兼編輯馬國冠(Roy Mah)的領導下,雜誌的內容涵蓋廣泛,從社區活動以至地區性的政治議題,同時亦致力為華裔加拿大人爭取平等權利。

Photos: City of Vancouver Archives CVA 596-3960; Catherine Clement