23 East Pender

The Story of Ming Wo


Ming Wo is one of Chinatown’s oldest surviving businesses. Opened in 1917 by Wong Chew Lip (far left), it began life as a general hardware store selling everything from safety razors and paints, to pots and pans. After years of supplying Chinatown restaurants, the store eventually focused exclusively on cookware. Three generations of the Wong family have lived above this store and worked in this shop. The wood floor and much of the shelving is original. The Wong family continues to own Ming Wo and today operates 5 locations around metro Vancouver.

「明和」是少數現在仍然能夠在唐人街生存的百年老店之一。該店的創辦人黃昭立先生 (圖中最左者)在1917年開業之後,初時售賣林林總總的工具和用品,從剃鬚刨、漆油、湯鍋到平底鑊都一應俱全。多年來「明和」都是為唐人街的餐館供應廚具,所以後來索性主攻廚具生意。黃家三代人都曾在此店工作,並住在鋪位樓上,而開店時已經使用的木地板和大部份貨架也一直保留留到現在。時至今日,「明和」仍然是由黃氏家族所擁有,並且在大溫哥華地區設有五間分店。