268 Keefer Street

Chinatown entertainers


A number of talented artists and colourful entertainers got their start in Chinatown.

Harvey Lowe (right) was a music show producer; host for live performances; radio show writer and announcer; and owner of the Smilin’ Buddha Cabaret. Lowe is perhaps best remembered as a world yo-yo champion who dazzled audiences, young and old, with his tricks.

Paddy Wing (left) would don top hat and tails, and dance a unique blend of tap and ballet. He eventually toured clubs across North America receiving rave reviews for his songs and dance. By the 1950s, he landed roles in film, television and theatre productions in the United States.



匹戴榮(圖左,原名周永強 )演出時總是頭戴高帽、一身燕尾禮服和跳著一種夾雜著踢踏和芭蕾的獨特舞姿。他曾在北美各地的夜總會巡迴演出,憑著出色的歌喉和舞技贏盡掌聲和口碑。匹戴榮在1950年代開始到美國發展並在電影、電視節目及舞台製作等不同崗位扮演角色。

Photo: Paddy Wing Collection; Vancouver Public Library 2002