A small black community once flourished on the edge of Chinatown. Known as “Hogan’sAlley,” the streets here were packed with cottages, southern-style cafes and makeshift nightclubs. The local Crump Twins – Ronnie and Robert Crump – wowed audiences with their song and dance. The duo riffed with trumpeter Louis Armstrong and taught dance moves to Sammy Davis Jr. They counted among their friends the legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix, who often came to Vancouver to visit his gospel-singing grandmother, Nora. Hogan’s Alley met its demise in 1972 when parts of the neighbourhood were bulldozed for urban renewal.
唐人街的邊緣曾經有一個黑人聚居的小區,名為「霍根巷」(Hogan’s Alley)。當時街內佈滿了小屋、美國南部風格的咖啡廳及臨時夜總會,氣氛相當熱鬧。土生土長的雙生兒 Ronnie 和Robert Crump 以非凡的嗓音和舞技贏得觀眾喝采。兄弟二人與小號手 Louis Armstrong 即興演奏,並把舞技傳授給Sammy Davis Jr。傳奇結他手 Jimi Hendrix也是他們的好友,經常來溫哥華拜訪擅長唱福音歌曲的祖母 Nora。1972 年,霍根巷難逃市區重建的命運,區內部份建築已被拆毀。