227 East Pender

Women on the Home Front in WWII


During WWII, Chinese Canadian women volunteered on the home front to be Air Raid Precaution (ARP) Wardens. So many signed up that an all-Chinese women’s brigade was formed in Chinatown. They learned first aid and firefighting, and how to identify and deal with incendiary bombs. One of their regular duties was to ensure Chinatown residents and businesses blacked out their windows at night.

第二次世界大戰期間,不少華裔加拿大女子自願加入空襲預防隊,並在唐人街成立了一旅華裔女子隊,學習急救和消防,以及識別和處理燃燒彈。 她們其中一項日常職責,是確保唐人街的居民和商鋪在夜間熄滅所有燈火。

Photos: City of Vancouver Archives CVA 586-1277; CVA 586-1272