433 Gore

The China Dolls


Chinatown was once part of a popular nightclub district. The Marco Polo Theatre Restaurant, owned by brothers Victor (pictured), Alex and Harry Louie, operated just west of here in the 1960s. Billed as Canada’s only “oriental night club” it boasted yo-yo champion Harvey Lowe as its host. Many famous acts appeared at the Marco Polo but perhaps the most memorable were “The China Dolls,” who were part of the regular floor show. (L to R) Pamela Hong, Annette Mar, Elaine Wong and Jean Yuen — who were trained by a Royal Winnipeg Ballet dancer — eventually achieved celebrity status.

唐人街曾經是溫市夜夜笙歌的夜總會區。由雷氏三兄弟擁有的喜臨門大酒家(Marco Polo Theatre Restaurant)於1960年代便已在唐人街的西面營業。(圖中所見的是Victor,其餘兩位兄弟名為 Alex及Harry)。當時被譽為加拿大唯一「東方夜總會」的喜臨門,更邀得搖搖冠軍劉光銳擔任司儀。曾在此上演的節目多不勝數,其中最為人津津樂道的也許是例牌表演節目「中國娃娃」。師承於皇家溫尼泊芭蕾舞蹈團成員的四位舞者(由左至右:Pamela Hong,Annette Mar, Elaine Wong 及Jean Yuen),最後更成為風靡一時的名人。

Photo: Private collection