102 East Pender

Popular Chinatown Restaurants


Between the 1950s to 1980s, people came from all over to enjoy Chinese food at one of the many cafes, bakeries and chop suey restaurants in this neighbourhood. Ho Ho Chop Suey, which operated at this location, was one of the most popular eateries. It opened in 1954 and was famous for its three-and-a-half story neon sign featuring a steaming bowl of rice. One evening the Ho Ho hosted the celebrated African-American singer and actress Lena Horne. She is pictured here with Wong Foon Sien, a community leader who was dubbed “the Mayor of Chinatown.”

20世紀50至80年代,人們從不同社區來到唐人街的咖啡館、麵包店和餐館享用中國美食。陶陶酒家便是最受歡迎的餐館之一。於1954年開業,陶陶酒家以其三層半高的霓虹燈,標誌著一碗熱騰騰的香飯而聞名。著名的非裔美國女歌手和演員Lena Horne也曾光顧陶陶酒家,更與被稱為唐人街市長的社區領袖黃仁甫拍照留念。

E Pender 102 Image      E Pender 102 In Situ

Photos: Wong Foon Sien Collection; City of Vancouver Archives CVA 780-475