524 Shanghai Alley

Peggy Lee the Trailblazer


Peggy Lee was a trailblazer. Born in 1923, by the age of 17 she owned her first hair salon on nearby Hastings Street. She eventually expanded her business outside of Chinatown and operated four successful salons in downtown Vancouver catering to an elite clientele. Peggy served on the home front during WWII. Later in life, she rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous; married a Caucasian at a time when interracial marriages were rare; and made headlines when she gave birth to triplets. Warm, intelligent and incredibly generous, Peggy styled hair well into her late 80s.

要數唐人街的先驅人物,便不得不提 一位名為 Peggy Lee的女士(中文姓名不詳)。她
生於 1923 年,17 歲時就已在喜士定街經營自己的髮廊,後來更把生意擴展到唐人街以

Photo: Peggy Lee Collection