50 East Pender

Chinatown's Most Prolific Photographer


Yucho Chow was perhaps Chinatown’s most prolific photographer. Between c: 1905 to his death in 1949, he captured images of countless faces: mostly Chinese, but also South Asian and even White residents of Vancouver. He photographed local architecture, events and vaudeville acts. And, at the local Canadian Pacific Railway station, his camera recorded the expressions of a steady stream of new immigrants. Today, his distinctive Yucho Chow Photography seal adorns many a photograph buried in family albums. Despite his large body of work, few have ever seen a photo of Yucho Chow himself …until now.

周耀初先生大概是唐人街史上最多的攝影師。他生於約 1905 年,歿於 1949 年。周耀初的鏡頭曾捕捉過無數面孔,當中除了大多數是華人之外,也有南亞裔人士,甚至居於溫哥華的白人。他曾為本地建築物、活動慶典及雜耍表演拍下不少照片。此外,他的照相機也記錄了新移民在加拿大太平洋鐵路車站旁絡繹不絕的情景。時至今日,許多家庭的照片冊仍珍藏著他的作品,上面蓋有「周耀初影相館」的招牌圖章。雖然他的一生作品無數,但是見過他本人照片的卻廖廖可數…直至現在大家才可見到他的盧山真貌!

Photos: Mamie (Ing Dick Jong) Fung and Family; Harden Lee Collection; Wong Family Collection; Yucho Chow Studios; City of Vancouver Archives CVA 689-68; Barkerville Archives P0358.